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Hello and Wie Gehts Pargmanns

Working on some sort of website. AllenTesting this wordpress stuff out. Will it work? Only time will tell.  I’m really hoping that this can become a place for all of us to keep in touch. I can’t tell all of you how much I miss all the family gatherings we had growing up. It seemed like every other month we were headed to Grandpa and Grandma’s in Runge. I never once ever look at it as a trip I didn’t want to take. There was so much to do and so many cousins to see. Each trip reminded me of the roots I came from and the family I have.

I would so much like for this website to be the same thing for each and everyone of us. I purchased the URL several years ago and have to this day never done anything with it. I am so glad to have purchased it. Anyway, as a typical Male Pargmann I have procrastinated for way too long. I am looking forward to the possibilities of this website for our family. One which is so huge at this point. I have a confession to make that I struggle with the names of the great great grand children. I also struggle with the jobs and lives we all lead.  I am hoping we can begin to come back together as a family just as we did out on the Farm with Granny and Grandpa.

So with that out there lets just take the leap and see where this all goes. While Facebook has some more instant notifications I hope this site can be just another tool out there for us. The closest thing I have found for free is a discussions forum. For some of you I suspect it will be a new world to learn but if anything I know, you are never too old to learn. Let’s have some fun and let’s come back together as a family virtually.
