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Kelley is now Home.

Brenda sent a email saying Kelley is now home. Still a long recovery ahead of her but back in her own house with her boys. I was very happy to hear this and called Mom right away to let her know. Brenda gave out her address if you would like to send a card or […]

Update from Brenda

Here is the message I received from Brenda this morning.

“Kelley is doing great this morning. Yesterday (Monday) she was joking all day during the visits in ICU. BP and Pulse rates did good. She is still weak and tired. We hope by this afternoon she will be back in a room but she still […]

Good News Today

Frances emailed this out from her phone today,

“Very brief but great news. Kelley is up. Tubes and vent are out. She is talking. Darren is the only visitor at this time. Praise God!”


Update on Kelley from Frances

Kelley is truly a fighter. Travis and I went to the hospital today to visit Kelley now that she was in her own room. ( We left early today so we didn’t get the message that visits were limited.) So you can imagine our surprise when we saw the sign on the door. My mind […]